German Sustainable Action Days 2019

From the 30th of May to the 5th of June 2019 Meo Carbon Solutions participated in the German Sustainable Action Days (Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit). They are part of Europe’s Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) and aim to promote exemplary engagement and to raise public awareness of the topic. During the week, the employees of Meo Carbon Solutions organized various activities for their own team and for all employees and visitors to the office building in Cologne:
A collection box for old mobile phones was put in the foyer of the office building, waiting to be filled and sent for recycling; emissions produced by our business travels were calculated in order to compensate them with appropriate compensation schemes; a joint meditation session was organized to highlight the importance of mindfulness and well-being in our everyday life; and on one morning a quiz informed passers-by in front of the office building about sustainable food consumption – winners and losers alike were awarded with “saved” food that would otherwise have been thrown away.
In total, over 6,700 events and initiatives took place in 28 European countries. The ESDW aims to raise awareness for the 2030 Agenda in Europe and calls upon local stakeholders to actively engage with sustainable development, in general, and the SDGs, in particular.