What’s on your mind

How do I obtain certification for my new fuels in the RED market? What steps are involved in the certification process for emerging markets? How do I certify my reduced product carbon footprint (PCF)?

Certify Your Innovative Fuel & Chemical Technologies

As the global push for decarbonization intensifies, the renewable fuels market is experiencing rapid growth and evolving regulatory landscapes. In response, Meo Carbon Solutions offers specialized certification support for new fuels in the RED (Renewable Energy Directive) market, with a focus on Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs) and Recycled Carbon Fuels (RCFs).

Our expert team provides comprehensive consulting services on certification under the Delegated Acts by developing GHG calculations for RFNBO supply chains and conducting workshops to prepare companies for audits. We actively participate in pilot audits and develop certification concepts for RFNBO supply chains, ensuring compliance with RED II requirements. Additionally, Meo Carbon Solutions offers ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification (CFC) solutions, supporting customers in obtaining certification for a reduced PCF in their supply chain.

As emerging markets in the fuels and chemicals sectors continue to develop, we stay at the forefront of new regulatory developments, helping implement new systems and regulations under the ISCC system to ensure our clients remain compliant and competitive in this rapidly changing landscape.

Certification Support for New Fuels in the RED Market

  • Consult on certification under the Delegated Acts on Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs) and Recycled Carbon Fuels (RCFs)
  • Develop GHG calculations for RFNBOs supply chains
  • Conduct workshops on RFNBOs certification requirements and prepare companies for audits
  • Participate in pilot audits and develop certification concepts for RFNBO supply chains
  • Create proof-of-concept reports for RFNBO projects assessing the supply chain set-up against the RED II requirements for RFNBOs

ISCC Carbon Footprint Certification (CFC) Solutions

  • Support the methodological development of PCF calculations and savings accounting based on known standards such as ISO, TfS, SBTi and GHG Protocol
  • Evaluate PCF accounting according to developed and set methodologies: full GHG calculator development and/or review
  • Consult on PCF optimization possibilities
  • Support ISCC in further developing and expanding the ISCC CFC scheme—including system documents (methodologies), audit procedures and self-declarations
  • Assist ISCC in developing CFC training
  • Conduct pilot projects under the ISCC CFC scheme

Emerging Market Certification System Development

  • Evaluate new regulatory developments for the fuels and chemicals sectors (TfS, low-carbon fuels and RCFs under RED)
  • Support the implementation of new systems and regulations under the ISCC system

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